ANS Testing
What is ANS Testing?
ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) analysis measures the function of the autonomic nervous system. This system impacts the function of virtually every organ system of the body. Specifically, this test assesses neuro-cardiac function, reflecting heart-brain interactions and autonomic nervous system dynamics. And clinical manifestations of autonomic dysfunction are involved in just about every disease.
As a result, ANS testing is used as a screening and monitoring tool in many disease processes. For example, it can help with early detection of heart disease and diabetes, even before other “routine screening” tests become abnormal.
Why should I get ANS Analysis?
ANS testing is a painless, non-invasive test – meaning we don’t need to poke you or put tubes into your body. We simply place a blood pressure cuff on your arm, a probe on your finger, and within ten minutes we can determine your risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cardiometabolic syndrome.
Even if you…
- feel like you are in good health
- take no medications
- and have no symptoms
…you can definitely benefit from ANS screening! A lot of the pillars in your bridge need to go down before you see actual cracks in the system. But, knowing that some pillars are being compromised gives you the opportunity to be proactive. Early treatment and intervention brings better results. And with less money, time, and aggravation, compared to treating issues when the system is really broken.
(The picture below explains the diagnostic gap in cardiovascular disease. This is where ANS testing focuses – leading to early treatment of inflammation even when a patient is feeling “fine”)
What do I do with these test results?
At The Functional Medicine MD, we develop a whole personalized program that that can help you to reverse the test results. Our customized plans include supplements, IV therapy, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. We often recheck the test to make sure that the protocol has worked and that you are truly healthy again.
What does ANS testing cost?
Cost is based on what the test shows and what protocol is needed. We do not accept insurance, but are happy to take HSA or Care Credit along with other major credit cards, checks or cash.
Schedule your free 15 min consultation with our physician today to find out more about this great test!